An Overview
TestingColorVision (TCV) has made the process of testing for color vision deficiencies standardized and more efficient. TCV transformed the traditional pseudo-isochromatic color vision test booklet into an online based color vision test that tests for protan, deutan, and tritan color vision deficiencies, which the Ishihara doesn't do. Ishihara screens for color vision deficiencies, which means the test tells you if you are colorblind, a simple yes or no answer. The Waggoner Computerized Color Vision Test (CCVT) diagnosis color vision deficiencies, which tells you what color vision deficiency you have and how severe it is. TCV allows clients to test up to 1000s of users at once. Plus, the test only takes approximately 5 minutes compared to the 10 minutes it takes to test someone's color vision with a book. TCVs pseudo-isochromatic test plates are created by world renowned color vision expert Dr. Terrace L. Waggoner with the help of his color vision deficient son T.J. Waggoner. The CCVT was validated by the U.S. Navy and more information on that study can be found here. Find out if you are colorblind, what type it is, and how severe it is by taking the Waggoner CCVT now.
Test Credibility
The test plates used on TCV are developed by world renowned color vision expert, Dr. Terrace L. Waggoner and have been validated by the U.S. Navy. He has created many other products some of which include:
Pseudoisochromatic Plate Ishihara Compatible(PIPIC) 24 plate Edition

This "adult" pseudoisochromatic color vision test designed and copyrighted by Dr. Terrace L. Waggoner has one demo plate and 29 test plates with numbers. This test has been validated and used by a multitude of organizations including the Navy.
Color Vision Testing Made Easy(Pediatric Color Vision test)

This pediatric color vision test is designed for children 4 - 5 years old or for those who do not know their numbers. It has thirteen test plates that use three symbols (circle, star, square).
Most color normal children should correctly identify 11 out of the thirteen test plates. If your child can not, we recommend you have your child's vision tested by a vision care professional under controlled testing conditions.
On top of having several successful products, many research studies have been done on Dr. Terrace L. Waggoners tests. There are a few research articles that have been included in his products.
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Testing Platforms
TCV has developed different functionalities for individual users and corporate users.
Individual User:
Allows one person to take a color vision test and receive their results. If the person passes the color vision test, he/she recieves a certificate that acknowledges he/she has passed.
Corporate User:
Allows the test administrator to create test-takers. This is used by organizations such as schools, hospitals, and pharmaceutical companies.
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Test Benefits
- Eliminates staff time used administering the test.
- Identify training or oversight opportunities for colorblind employees who present special risks within the organization.
- Faster turnaround on results for recruiters, staffers, and hiring managers.
- Special development and timing on TCV ensures tests are administered correctly.
- Employees can take tests anywhere at anytime.
Take a Test
Test your color vision online now with a test developed by a color vision specialist, Dr. Terrace L. Waggoner.
If you have any questions , please contact us at